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100 Questions & Answers About Your Child's Type 1 Diabetes
소비자가격 22,000원 0%할인
판매가격 22,000원 220점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Elizabeth S. Platt, Jerrold S. Olshan, MaryAnn Waterman
발행일 2011-07
판형 15.2 x 22.9 x 1.1 (cm)
페이지 수 238
ISBN 9780763784553
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Table of Contents

Acknowledgments v

Introduction vii

Part 1 The Basics 1

Questions 1-13 introduce common symptoms, causes, and the diagnosis process of Type 1 diabetes:

What is Type 1 diabetes?

What caused my child to get diabetes? Could I have prevented it?

Is there any way to cure diabetes?

Part 2 Managing Type 1 Diabetes in Children 23

Questions 14-50 Review treatment options available for children with Type 1 diabetes, including insulin therapy, blood glucose testing, ketones and DKA and emergency care:

How is Type 1 diabetes treated? Will my child need insulin shots?

What is a "diabetes kit?" What does it contain, and why does my child need one?

Why is it important to test my child's blood sugar regularly?

Insulin Therapy

How do I use insulin to help to control my child's diabetes?

What kind of insulin will my child be using?

How do I calculate how much insulin to give my child?

Ketones and DKA

What are ketones?

How and when should I test for ketones?

What should I do if my child has high ketones?

Emergency Care

What do I do if my child has a severe low glucose reading or shows signs of "crashing?"

How do I know when to take my child to the hospital?

What do I do if my child becomes comatose?

Part 3 Feeding a Child with Diabetes 107

Questions 51-60 Explain important dietary information that can help in managing your child's diabetes:

Does my child's diet need to change?

Does a Child with diabetes have special nutritional needs? Does my child need vitamin supplements?

What is meant by "glycemic index" and how does the glycemic index of food affect my child s blood sugar?

Part 4 Sick Days 131

Questions 61-66 Review the effects of common illnesses and viruses on a child with diabetes:

How does illness affect my child's blood sugar?

Should I change my child's insulin dose?

If my child is ill, should I call the pediatrician or the endocrinologist first?

Part 5 Daily Life with Diabetes 143

Questions 67-84 Discuss how diabetes can affect your child's day-to-day life, including childcare and school:

Will my child ever be able to do all the things other kids can do?

Will my child be able to participate in sports and other activities?

Does my child need to wear a medical ID bracelet or necklace?

Childcare and Education for a Child with Diabetes

Can my child still attend daycare and public schools?

Who will be Monitoring my child's blood sugar and give insulin injections during the school day?

How will having diabetes affect my child's education?

Part 6 Other Things Parents Worry About 177

Questions 85-100 Cover common concerns caregivers have with regard to their child's Type 1 diabetes:

Financial Concerns

Will my insurance cover my child's diabetes care?

What do I do if my insurer denies one of my claims?

What do I do if insurance doesn't cover the cost of supplies and doctor visits?

Emotional and Health Concerns

What emotional impact will a diagnosis of diabetes have on my child?

How do I cope with the stress this diagnosis has put on my family?

What are the long-term complications of diabetes, and can I prevent them?

Appendix 217

Glossary 229

Index 233

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