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100 Questions & Answers About Leukemia
소비자가격 22,000원 0%할인
판매가격 22,000원 220점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Edward D. Ball, Alex Kagan
발행일 2012-03
판형 15.2 x 22.9 x 0.6
페이지 수 134
ISBN 9781449665838
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Table of Contents

Foreword v

Preface vii

Introduction ix

Part 1 The Basics 1

Questions 1-5 give the basic background information about blood, the immune system, and other cells involved in leukemia:

What is leukemia?

What is blood composed of and what blood cells are affected by leukemia?

How does leukemia affect my immune system?

What is bone marrow?

Part 2 Facts About Leukemia: Risks, Diagnosis, and Effects 9

Questions 6-19 describe the different kinds of leukemia that exist: what they are, who gets them, how they affect the body, and how they are diagnosed:

Are there different types of leukemia? Why is one called acute and one called chronic?

How common is leukemia?

What is myelodysplastic syndrome? Is it related to leukemia?

What is a blast?

How does someone know he or she has leukemia?

What is neutropenia?

Part 3 Treatment 33

Questions 20-31 describe the different methods of treating each form of leukemia:

How is leukemia treated?

What is chemotherapy?

How does my doctor decide which chemotherapy to give me?

What is gene therapy?

What is antisense therapy?

What is a monoclonal antibody?

What is immunotherapy?

Part 4 Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation 47

Questions 32-49 describe the process of transplantation used to cure some forms of leukemia:

What is a stem cell?

What is stem cell transplantation?

Who should have a stem cell transplant?

What is the difference between autologous and allogeneic transplants?

How is it determined which type of transplant is appropriate for my care?

How long after diagnosis should a transplant take place?

Part 5 Side Effects and Complications of Treatment 59

Questions 50-68 describe some of the side effects and complications of leukemia treatment:

Will I need blood transfusions?

Are blood transfusions safe?

What side effects might a patient experience with chemotherapy?

What types of infections do I need to be concerned about?

Part 6 Treatment Facilities and Healthcare Providers 73

Questions 69-87 describe some of the considerations in deciding upon where to get treatment and who to turn to for care:

How do I know my doctor is providing the right treatment?

Is there a difference between and attending doctor and a fellow?

Do all hospitals perform all treatments?

Do caregivers get any training?

Can and should family members be caregivers?

Part 7 Living with Leukemia 93

Questions 88-100 address some of the day-to-day issues that face leukemia patients and their loved ones:

How does someone know whether he or she is cured?

Will my child with leukemia grow up normally?

Do patients ever get back to normal?

What are the patient's physical limitations after a bone marrow transplantation?

What is the chance of the leukemia coming back?

Glossary 105

Appendix 113

Index 115

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