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100 Questions & Answers About Lymphoma
소비자가격 22,000원 0%할인
판매가격 22,000원 220점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Peter Holman, Jodi Garrett
발행일 2009-12
판형 15.2 x 22.9 x 0.9 (cm)
페이지 수 202
ISBN 9780763744991
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Table of Contents

Introduction v

Part 1 The Basics: Understanding the Immune and Circulatory Systems 1

Questions 1-7 introduce the immune and circulatory systems, describing their function and involvement in lymphoma through such questions as:

What is the immune system?

How do the components of the immune system function?

What is bone marrow?

Part 2 Diagnosis and Classification of Lymphoma 17

Questions 8-43 briefly outline the different types of lymphoma and describe their diagnosis and classification, including:

What is lymphoma?

What is the difference between Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?

What are the symptoms of lymphoma?

Part 3 Staging and Treatment of Lymphoma 77

Questions 44-58 provide a derailed account of the different stages of lymphoma and the methods by which the lymphoma is treated, including:

What happens after I'm told I have lymphoma?

Should I get a second opinion?

Apart from the biopsy, what other information is needed?

Part 4 Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy 109

Questions 59-76 discuss the goals and side effects of two common forms of therapy for lymphoma, including:

What is chemotherapy?

What chemotherapy drugs are used to treat lymphoma?

How is chemotherapy given?

Part 5 Other Therapies 141

Questions 77-96 describe methods of treatment beyond chemotherapy and radiation therapy, including new treatments, experimental therapies, and alternative medicine, including:

What is immunotherapy

What are monoclonal antibodies?

How is rituximab (Rituxan) administered?

Part 6 Coping with Lymphoma 171

Questions 97-100 address common concerns for the lymphoma patient's daily life, such as:

Can Icontinue to work?

Should I join a support group?

If I am dying, how do I cope?

Appendix 177

A list of web sites, organizations, and literature to help lymphoma patients and their families find additional resources on general and specific topics related to lymphoma

Glossary 183

Index 193

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