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Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (7th) -International Edition
International Edition입니다
소비자가격 130,000원 25%할인
판매가격 98,000원 980점 적립
출판사 macmillan education
저자 David L. Nelson, Michael Cox
발행일 2017-01
판형 21.5×27.5×4.4
페이지 수 1328
ISBN 9781319108243
제품코드 9781319108243
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry is the #1 bestseller for the introductory biochemistry course because it brings clarity and coherence to an often unwieldy discipline, offering a thoroughly updated survey of biochemistry’s enduring principles, definitive discoveries, and groundbreaking new advances with each edition.
This new Seventh Edition maintains the qualities that have distinguished the text since Albert Lehninger’s original edition—clear writing, careful explanations of difficult concepts, helpful problem-solving support, and insightful communication of contemporary biochemistry’s core ideas, new techniques, and pivotal discoveries. Again, David Nelson and Michael Cox introduce students to an extraordinary amount of exciting new findings without an overwhelming amount of extra discussion or detail. And with this edition, W.H. Freeman and Sapling Learning have teamed up to provide the book’s richest, most completely integrated text/media learning experience yet, through an extraordinary new online resource: SaplingPlus.

Table of Contents
1. The Foundations of Biochemistry
2. Water
3. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
4. The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins 
5. Protein Function 
6. Enzymes
7. Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
8. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 
9.  DNA-Based Information Technologies
10. Lipids
11. Biological Membranes and Transport 
12. Biosignaling
13. Bioenergetics and Biochemical Reaction Types
14. Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
15. Principles of Metabolic Regulation
16. The Citric Acid Cycle
17. Fatty Acid Catabolism
18. Amino Acid Oxidation and the Production of Urea
19.  Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation Oxidative Phosphorylation
20. Carbohydrate Biosynthesis in Plants and Bacteria 
21. Lipid Biosynthesis
22. Biosynthesis of Amino Acids, Nucleotides, and Related Molecules
23. Hormonal Regulation and Integration of Mammalian Metabolism 
24. Genes and Chromosomes
25. DNA Metabolism
26. RNA Metabolism
27. Protein Metabolism
28. Regulation of Gene Expression 

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (7th)
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