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Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics (7th)
소비자가격 130,000원 0%할인
판매가격 130,000원 1,300점 적립
출판사 ashp
저자 Robin Southwood 외 2인
발행일 2018-12
판형 21.5×27.9×1.5
페이지 수 284
ISBN 9781585285914
제품코드 9781585285914
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Book Description
Understanding the science of pharmacokinetics is a challenge for many pharmacy students and practitioners. Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, now in its 7th edition, has helped thousands by simplifying this essential, but complex, subject to reflect current practice.
The 7th edition has been revised by Robin Southwood, PharmD, BC-ADM, CDE; Virginia H. Fleming, PharmD, BCPS; and Gary Huckaby, PharmD; all experts in clinical pharmacy education. Together, they have updated and expanded the text to include the latest information and insights on concepts through extensive use of correlates, figures, and review questions.
Inside you will find:
• 15 easy-to-follow lessons, perfect for a semester
• Practice quizzes to help chart progress
• Enhanced discussion of hemodialysis
• A phenytoin “cheat sheet” to help you through the calculations maze
• New vancomycin cases based on higher desired vancomycin levels and trough-only dose estimations
• Expanded information on modified diet in renal disease formula versus Cockcroft-Gault formula methods
• Factors to consider when choosing a dosing/body weight for various equations
• Updated clinical correlates, discussion points, references, and questions/answers
Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics is the fundamental reference for learning the basic, foundational pharmacokinetics concepts and how to apply them in clinical practice.

Table of Contents
Lesson 1. Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 
Lesson 2. Basic Pharmacokinetics
Lesson 3. Half-Life; Elimination Rate, and AUC
Practice Set 1 
Lesson 4. Intravenous Bolus Administration, Multiple Drug Administration, and Steady-State Average Concentrations
Lesson 5. Relationships of Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Intravenous Intermittent and Continuous Infusions
Lesson 6. Two-Compartment Models
Practice Set 2
Lesson 7. Biopharmaceutics: Absorption 
Lesson 8. Drug Distribution and Protein Binding
Lesson 9. Drug Elimination Processes
Lesson 10. Nonlinear Processes
Lesson 11. Pharmacokinetic Variation and Model-Independent Relationships
Practice Set 3
Lesson 12. Aminoglycosides
Lesson 13. Vancomycin
Lesson 14. Theophylline 
Lesson 15. Phenytoin and Digoxin

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