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Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology (2nd)
소비자가격 85,000원 0%할인
판매가격 85,000원 2,550점 적립
출판사 신일서적(주)
저자 Walter H. Hsu
발행일 2013-08
판형 18.5 x 25.6 x 3
페이지 수 720
ISBN 9791195064328
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Book Description


I am grateful for the constructive suggestions I have received from students, readers, and colleagues for the firrst edition of Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology. I want to thank Professor Fahd Z. Eissa especially for his thorough review of the book and comments. In response to these suggestions, and in light of the many important changes that have occurred across the landscape of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics over the past five years, we have made a number of significant improvements in the second edition of the book. I hope and expect that the following additions will aid students and faculty in the learning and teaching of veterinary pharmacology:
• Thanks to the contribution by Dr. Brett A. Sponseller and Dr. Beatrice T. Sponseller, a chapter on immunostimulants and immunomodulators (Chapter 8) has been added to the book.
• We expand the concept of P-glycoprotein in the drug eux mechanism for many drugs in Chapter 1. There is more and more appreciation of the P-glycoprotein in pumping out an
array of chemicals across the cell membranes of the organisms. Interestingly, this protein is also involved in the development of drug resistance by microorganisms.
• Comprehensive updating of all chapters and appendices (withdrawal time charts and dosage table) including new drugs approved by the FDA through 2012 and drugs that are frequently used in other parts of the world but not in the U.S.
• Comprehensive updating of many gures and tables with addition of 23 gures over the rst edition of the book (from 60 gures in the rst edition to 83 gures in the second edition).
• Creation of the chapter outline with page number listed for each subject heading.

Table of Contents

Contributors viii
Preface xii
1. Principles of Drug Absorption,
   Drug Disposition and Drug Action 1
   Richard J. Martin, Walter H. Hsu, and Steve A. Carlson
2. Drugs Affecting Peripheral Nervous System 37
   Walter H. Hsu and Carrie A. Berg
3. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System 77
   Walter H. Hsu and Dean H. Riedesel
4. Behavior-Modifying Drugs 115
   Arthi Kanthasamy, Walter H. Hsu, and Carrie A. Berg
5. Anesthetics 141
   Dean H. Riedesel
6. Autacoids And Their Pharmacological Modulators 169
   Anumantha G. Kanthasamy and Walter H. Hsu
7. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 195
   Walter H. Hsu and Arthi Kanthasamy
8. Immunostimulants and Immunomodulators 217
   Brett A. Sponseller and Beatrice T. Sponseller
9. Endocrine Pharmacology 235
   Walter H. Hsu
10. Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System 277
   Wendy A. Ware
11. Respiratory Pharmacology 321
   Dean H. Riedesel
12. Gastrointestinal Pharmacology 337
   Albert E. Jergens
13. Diuretics 367
   Anumantha G. Kanthasamy and Franklin A. Ahrens
14. Fluid and Blood Therapy 383
   Walter H. Hsu and Karl W. Bolser
15. Topical Dermatology Therapy 411

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