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T.02-843-3281~3, 02-834-9101~2
평일 09:00 ~ 18:00
(점심시간 12:30 ~ 13:30
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Public Health Practice: What Works
소비자가격 70,000원 59%할인
판매가격 29,000원 290점 적립
출판사 Oxford
저자 Jonathan E. Fielding, Steven M. Teutsch
발행일 2012-11
판형 16 x 24.1 x 2.2
페이지 수 400
ISBN 9780199892761
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Table of Contents


1. Introduction & History of Public Health in Los Angeles County J. Fielding, J. Freedman, S. Caldwell

Core Capacities
2. Measuring Population Health: The Los Angeles County Health Survey S. Baldwin, A. Lightstone
3. Strategic Planning: Visioning the New Public Health Agency W. Schiffer, G. Huang-Richman, J. Bobrowsky, M. Hatch
4. Programs and Policies that Work: How Evidence Can Drive Action S. Teutsch
5. From Direct Service to Community Orientation: Transformation of Nursing Practice D. Caley, D. Davenport
6. Assuring Competence: Credentialing and Privileging of Physicians J. Gunzenhauser, K. Smith
7. Performance Improvement: Using Accountability and Rapid-Cycle Techniques to Improve Services D. Jacobson, D. Lotstein
8. The Medium and the Message: Strategies for Effective Communication R. Rodriguez, S. Kissell
9. Understanding Birth Outcomes and Adverse Birth Events: LAMB and LA HOPE M. Chao, G. Donatoni, C. Higgins, M. Eldahaby, C. Harding

Health Promotion
10. Underlying Determinants of Health: Putting Local Data to Work M. Shih
11. Tackling Toxic Food Environments: A Response to the Obesity Epidemic P. Simon, S. Bogert
12. Enticing People Out of Their Cars: Promoting Active Living J. Armbruster, G. Haberman, L. Franco, M. Ocanas
13. From Health Education to Health Policy: A Local Paradigm Shift in Tobacco Control M. Weber, L. Aragon
14. Reaching Underserved Populations: Influenza Vaccination in the African American Community M. Parra, J. Heinzerling, S. Caldwell, K. Harrison
15. The Asthma Coalition: Effective Prevention and Control through Collaboration R. Gilchick, J. Scully, C. Harding

Health Protection
16. 101 Deadly Days: Listeria Monocytogenes Associated with Mexican Style Cheese L. Mascola, B. Werner
17. Infection Control: Public Health Outreach to Hospitals D. Dassey, D. Terashita, S. Sakamoto
18. Reducing Zoonoses: Controlling Animal Importation K. Ehnert, B. Kim-Farley
19. Safe Food Facilities: Reestablishing Public Confidence Through Letter Grades H. Dela Cruz, T. Powell, J. Fielding
20. Food Product Recalls: Effective Local Response H. Dela Cruz, T. Powell
21. Sewage Discharge Response: Reforms in Reporting and Public Notification B. Franklin, K. Murray
22. Contaminated Fish: Protecting Communities Through Community Education and Reducing Availability M. Santos, J. Lewis, J. Scully

Emergency Response
23. Emergency Management: Building an Effective Structure for Local Public Health M. Contreras, B. Bristow, A. Plough, K. Harrison
24. Employees as First Responders: A Framework for Emergency Readiness M. Bosshard, B. Bristow, N. Barakat, E. Hinojos
25. Responding to Potential Emergencies: The Threat Assessment Unit B. Bristow, D. Diamond, M. Kim, A. Plough
26. Radiation Risk: Development of a Multi-Agency Radiation Response Plan K. Kaufman
27. Dispensing Emergency Medications and Supplies: Points of Dispensing Models C. Knox, D. Davenport
28. Real Time Information in Emergencies: Automating Medication Data Collection S. Khan, D. Bagwell

Service Delivery
29. Reducing Drug Use Among Non-violent Offenders: The Drug Court Program J. Viernes, A. Long
30. Preventing Opiate Overdose Deaths: Legal Challenges and Effectiveness of Prevention Education and Narcan Distribution E. Shultz
31. Increasing Accountability Among Substance Abuse Treatment Providers: Development of a Performance Measurement System D. Crevecoeur, R. Gonzales, R. Rawson, J. Fielding, J. Viernes
32. Preconception Health: A Life Course Perspective for Maternal and Child Health C. Harding, G. Donatoni, M. Chao, J. Smart, D. Ramos
33. Narrowing the Infant Mortality Gap: Data Tools and Strategies for Improved Birth Outcomes M. Chao, G. Donatoni, A. Hopson, D. Davenport, C. Harding
34. Assuring Medical Coverage: An Effective Outreach Initiative for Children and Families W. Schiffer, S. Bostwick, C. Higgins, C. Harding
35. Partnering with Families: A New Service Delivery Model for Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy W. Ford, D. Ruge, N. Cappel, T. O'Hern, S. Roth
36. Reducing Cases of HIV: Implementation of Post Exposure Prophylaxis J. Sayles, M. Perez, G. Garcia, R. Landovitz
37. STDs/HIV in the Adult Film Industry: Workplace Practices and the Need for Regulation J. Steinberg, R. Butler, M. McGrath, P. Kerndt

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