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The Cell: A Molecular Approach (8th)-표지훼손도서
소비자가격 68,000원 12%할인
판매가격 60,000원 600점 적립
출판사 Oxford
페이지 수
제품코드 9781605358635
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Book Description
Even the most experienced instructor can find teaching cell biology daunting, and most cell biology texts are bogged down in detail or background information. Lost in all the details are the more fascinating material and contemporary advances that represent this rapidly moving field. With so much to cover, creating a classroom around active learning may be difficult or nearly impossible. Cooper 8e endeavors to address those issues with succinct writing, incorporation of current research, a test bank that encourages critical thinking, and an active learning framework. With just enough detail for a one-semester, sophomore/junior level course, the Cooper 8e text presents fundamental concepts and current research, including chapters on Genomics and Transcriptional Regulation and Epigenetics, and new in-text boxed features on Molecular Medicine and Key Experiments. Instructors will appreciate updates to the 8e test bank, such as raising the Bloom's level of questions overall, and giving instructors the ability to select questions based on level. Finally, for instructors who want to flip their classrooms or just get students more engaged, Cooper 8e is the only cell biology text that is accompanied by an Active Learning Guide. This chapter-by-chapter playbook shows instructors how to create a dynamic learning environment with in-class exercises, clicker questions, and links to relevant media, animations, testing, and self-quizzing, all aligned with the new in-text learning objectives, wherever appropriate. Cooper 8e provides the right level of detail, student engagement, and instructor support for the modern cell biology classroom.

Table of Contents
Part I: Fundamentals and Foundations
1. Introduction to Cells and Cell Research
2. Molecules and Membranes
3. Bioenergetics and Metabolism
4. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
5. Genomics, Proteomics, and Systems Biology
Part II: The Flow of Genetic Information
6. Genes and Genomes
7. Replication, Maintenance, and Rearrangements of Genomic DNA
8. RNA Synthesis and Processing
9. Transcriptional Regulation and Epigenetics
10. Protein Synthesis, Processing, and Regulation
Part III: Cell Structure and Function
11. The Nucleus
12. Protein Sorting and Transport
13. Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, and Peroxisomes
14. The Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement
15. The Plasma Membrane
16. Cell Walls, the Extracellular Matrix, and Cell Interactions
Part IV: Cell Regulation
17. Cell Signaling
18. The Cell Cycle
19. Cell Renewal and Cell Death
20. Cancer
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