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Fundamentals of geriatric pharmacotherapy: An evidence-based approach(2th)
소비자가격 100,000원 5%할인
판매가격 95,000원 950점 적립
출판사 American society of health-system pharmacists
저자 Lisa C. Hutchison, Rebecca B. Sleeper
발행일 2015
판형 17.7 x 25.4 x 2.3
페이지 수
ISBN 9781585284351
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As the number of older patients surge, so too will the medication management challenges pharmacists and other healthcare providers face with this population. Providing care for these often complex cases means not only staying on top of new medications and therapies, but dealing with a wide range of other issues as well.

Now in its second edition, Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, by Lisa C. Hutchison and Rebecca B. Sleeper, offers the full support you need to provide the most effective medication management and therapeutic decisions. This text is unique, not only as a comprehensive overview of major issues in geriatric pharmacotherapy and a core textbook for students, but as a resource for all healthcare professionals who treat elderly patients.

Covering all major topics and issues, the second edition provides the most current information and proven strategies in one comprehensive guide, including associated issues that impact therapy, such as the coordination of care across multiple venues and caregivers.

Inside this edition, you will find: 

-Summarized treatment guidelines

-Evidence-based reviews

-Recommendations for the frail elderly

-Case studies and clinical pearls

-Key points, terms, and definitions

-Self-assessment questions

-Extensively referenced

-New chapters on Palliative and Hospice Care and Infections and Antimicrobial Stewardship


The demands of an aging population mean that a greater understanding of geriatric pharmacotherapy is now essential for all healthcare providers. Written by practicing geriatric specialists, Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy provides all the detailed information and practical guidance you need.



Table of Contents

Preliminary Material

PART I: General Social, Ethical, Economic, and Biomedical Issues of Aging

Chapter 1: Challenges in Geriatric Care

Chapter 2: Ethical and Socioeconomic Considerations

Chapter 3: Biomedical Principles of Aging

Chapter 4: Geriatric Assessment

Chapter 5: Adverse Drug Events, Polypharmacy, and Medication Management

Chapter 6: Palliative and Hospice Care

PART II. Pharmacotherapy Issues of Aging

Chapter 7: Cardiovascular Disorders

Chapter 8: Respiratory Disorders

Chapter 9: Renal and Urologic Disorders

Chapter 10: Endocrine Disorders

Chapter 11: Gastrointestinal Disorders and Nutrition

Chapter 12: Psychiatric Issues

Chapter 13: Psychiatric Issues

Chapter 14: Pain and Sensory Disorders

Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders

Chapter 16: Anemia and Preventive Therapy

Chapter 17: Infections and Antimicrobial Stewardship

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