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Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics(5th)
소비자가격 80,000원 0%할인
판매가격 80,000원 800점 적립
출판사 Churchill Livingstone
저자 Roger Walker and Cate Whittlesea
발행일 2012-11
판형 21.9 x 27.6 x 3.9
페이지 수 998
ISBN 9780702042935
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Main description:

Now in its fifth edition, this best-selling, multidisciplinary textbook continues to draw on the skills of pharmacists and clinicians to present optimal drug regimens. The authors integrate an understanding of the disease processes with an appreciation of pathophysiological processes, clinical pharmacy and the evidence base.
New to this edition:
•Stronger emphasis on understanding both the prescribing process and the clinical pharmacy process.
•All chapters completely revised and updated.
•Thirty-eight leading new authors.
•Key points boxes at the beginning of every chapter
•Case study tests at the end of every chapter
•Chapters co-authored by pharmacists and clinicians
•Organised by body system
•Consistent, clearly signposted chapter layout
‘...a unique and valuable support for all those involved or interested in drug therapy.
This is a textbook that no university or pharmacy department, particularly those with employees studying at any level, and no pharmacist trying to develop their knowledge base should be without."
Dr Chris Green and John Sexton, The Pharmaceutical Journal


Section 1: General
Clinical pharmacy process. Prescribing. Practical pharmacokinetics. Drug interactions. Adverse drug reactions. Laboratory data. Parenteral nutrition. Pharmacoeconomics.

Section 2: Life stages
Neonates. Paediatrics. Geriatrics.

Section 3: Therapeutics
Gastrointestinal disorders: Peptic ulcer disease. Inflammatory bowel disease. Constipation and diarrhoea.
Hepatic disorders:Adverse effects of drugs on the liver. Liver disease.
Renal disorders: Acute kidney injury. Chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure. Chronic kidney disease and end stage renal failure.
Cardiovascular disorders: Hypertension. Coronary heart disease. Chronic heart failure. Arrhythmias. Thrombosis. Dyslipidaemia.
Respiratory disorders: Asthma. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Neurological and psychological disorders: Insomnia. Anxiety disorders. Affective disorders. Schizophrenia. Epilepsy. Parkinson’s disease. Pain. Nausea and vomiting.
Infections: Respiratory infections. Urinary tract infections. Gastrointestinal infections. Infective meningitis. Surgical site infection and antimicrobial prophylaxis. Tuberculosis. HIV infection. Fungal infections.
Endocrine disorders: Thyroid and parathyroid disorders. Diabetes mellitus.
Obstetric and gynaecological disorders: Menstrual cycle disorders. Menopause. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation.
Urological disorders: Prostate disease.
Haemotopoietic disorders: Anaemia.
Malignant disorders: Leukaemia. Lymphomas. Solid tumours.
Rheumatic disorders: Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Gout and hyperuricaemia.
Eye disorders: Glaucoma.
Skin disorders: Drug-induced skin disorders. Eczema and psoriasis. Wounds.

Section 4: Appendices.
Medical abbreviations. Glossary. Index

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