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The Clinical Practice of Drug Information
소비자가격 70,000원 0%할인
판매가격 70,000원 700점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Michael Gabay
발행일 2015-03
판형 19.9×25.4×2.9
페이지 수 512
ISBN 9781284026238
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Book Descriptione

The Clinical Practice of Drug Information provides information on various resources, approaches to answering drug information requests, evaluating the biomedical literature, study design, statistical concepts, bioinformatics, medication safety, development of medication use policies, medication safety, formulary management, evidence-based medicine, and pharmacy informatics. This resources will educate students and pharmacists on traditional drug information topics while providing an extensive background on more recent practice areas. This is a user-friendly text with multiple examples that can be used in education and training, as well as clinical practice. Each chapter includes learning objectives, key terms, examples and cases, and review questions. Instructor Resources: Instructor's Manual, Slides in PowerPoint format, Test Bank Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, and for instructors: a full suite of teaching tools, and learning analytics reporting.

Table of Contents

Chapter  1  Introduction to Drug Information Practice
Chapter  2  The Systematic Approach to Responding to Drug Information Requests
Chapter  3  Tertiary Sources of Information
Chapter  4  Secondary Sources of Information
Chapter  5  Primary Sources of Information
Chapter  6  Introduction to Clinical Study Design
Chapter  7  Research Study Design
Chapter  8  Descriptive Statistics
Chapter  9  Inferential Statistics
Chapter  10  Epidemiology and Measures of Associated Risk
Chapter  11  Correlation and Regression
Chapter  12  Analysis and Interpretation of Noninferiority Trials
Chapter  13  Errors Related to Clinical Research
Chapter  14  Evidence-Based Medicine
Chapter  15  How to Prepare an Effective Journal Club
Chapter  16  Medication Safety
Chapter  17  Medication Use Policy and Performance Assessment
Chapter  18  Formulary Management
Chapter  19  Academic Detailing and Industry Relationships
Chapter  20  Medical Writing and Peer Review
Chapter  21  Informatics and Clinical Decision Support
Chapter  22  Basic Principles of Pharmacoeconomics

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