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Pharmaceutical Calculations (15th)
소비자가격 78,000원 0%할인
판매가격 78,000원 780점 적립
출판사 9781496339621
저자 Howard C.Ansel
발행일 2016-03-17
판형 17.8×25.3×0.9
페이지 수 480
ISBN 9781496339621
제품코드 9781496339621
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

 Book Description

Master the fundamental calculations principles and basic techniques you need to know for successful pharmacy practice! Thoroughly reviewed by practitioners, and educators, this 15th Edition maintains high standards for both academic and basic practice requirements, while offering the most comprehensive and in-depth coverage of pharmacy calculations available. A consistent, step-by-step approach makes it easy to work through the problems and gain a greater understanding of the underlying concepts.New co-author Shelly Stockton brings her experience in pharmacy practice and expertise in teaching pharmaceutics and pharmacy calculations to this edition.Hundreds of new problems, including many current products and select product labels directly linked to example problems.NEW Authors Extra Points provide brief explanations of underlying subjects such as pharmacopeias, electronic prescriptions, drug names, and the regulation of pharmacy compounding.NEW section on equianalgesic dosing for narcotic analgesics, including dosing tables.Student-friendly features like in-chapter example problems with step-by-step solutions; end-of-chapter practice problems with answers; Case-in-Point features with clinical or pharmaceutical case studies; Calculations Capsules with boxed summaries of chapter calculations; CalcQuiz sections with unsolved problems for review; and Comprehensive Review Problems for a final self-assessment."

Table Contents

1 Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Calculations

2 International System of Units

3 Pharmaceutical Measurement

4 Interpretation of Prescriptions and Medication Orders

5 Density and Specific Gravity

6 Percent Strength, Ratio Strength, and Other Expressions of Concentration

7 Calculation of Doses: General Considerations

8 Calculation of Doses: Patient Parameters

9 Calculation Involving Units of Activity and Other Measures of Potency

10 Selected Clinical Calculations

11 Isotonic and Buffer Solutions

12 Electrolyte Solutions: Milliequivalents, Millimoles, and Milliosmoles

13 Intravenous Infusions, Parenteral Admixtures, Rate-of-Flow Calculations

14 Assessment of Nutritional Status, Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, and the Food Nutrition Label

15 Altering Product Strength, Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, and the Food Nutrition Label

16 Reducing and Enlarging Formulas

17 Selected Calculations in Contemporary Compounding

18 Selected Calculations Involving Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

19 Selected Calculations Associated with Plant Extractives

20 Calculation of Active Drug Moiety

21 Selected Calculaions Involving Radiopharmaceuticals

22 Selected Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetic Calculations

23 Cost Differential Calculations in Drug Therapy

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