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Nonprescription Product Therapeutics, (2nd)
소비자가격 90,000원 0%할인
판매가격 90,000원 900점 적립
출판사 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
저자 W. Steven Pray
발행일 2005-09-01
판형 21.2 x 27.5 x 2.5
페이지 수 887
ISBN 0781734983
제품코드 0781734983
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Book Description

Textbook, for pharmacy students, presenting a discussion of self-treatable medical conditions. Each chapter includes an outline; pedagogic features: case studies, patient assessment algorithms, counseling tips, key terms; two-tone illustrations, and more.

Book Info

Textbook, for pharmacy students, presenting a discussion of self-treatable medical conditions. Each chapter includes an outline; pedagogic features: case studies, patient assessment algorithms, counseling tips, key terms; two-tone illustrations, and more. Includes useful appendices. Softcover. DNLM: Drugs, Non-Prescription--therapeutic use.

Table of Contents



List of Patient Assessment Algorithms

SECTION Ⅰ The Pharmacist and Nonprescription Drug Pruoducts

   1. The Pharmacist as Triage Expert

   2. Forces That Shape the Nonprescription Product Market

SECTION Ⅱ Oral and Gastrointestinal Conditions

   3. Plaque-induced Diseases : Caries and Gingibitis

   4. Oral Problems

   5. Gastric Distress

   6. Motion Sickness

   7. Intestinal Gas Discomfort : Bloating, Flatulence, and Colic

   8. Lactose Intolerance

   9. Constipation

  10. Diarrhea

  11. Pinworm

  12. Hemorrhoids

  13. Poisoning Emergencies

SECTION Ⅲ Respiratory Conditions

  14. Allergic Rhinitis

  15. The Common Cold and Related Conditions

  16. Humidity Deficit

  17. Asthma

SECTION Ⅳ Conditions Causing Pain

  18. Headache and Other Minor Pains

  19. Injuries to Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons

SECTION Ⅴ Central Nervous System Conditions

  20. Fatigue and Drowsiness

  21. Sleep Disturbances

SECTION Ⅵ Gender-Specific/Sexual Conditions

  22. Menstrual Discomfort

  23. Female Genital Conditions

  24. Problems Related to Sexual Activity

SECTION Ⅶ Ophthalmic/Otic Conditions

  25. Ophthalmic Conditions

  26. Otic Conditions

SECTION Ⅷ Dermatologic Conditions

  27. Hyperproliferative Skin Disorders

  28. Arthropod Stings and Bites, Pediculosis, and Scabies

  29. Minor Wounds

  30. Burns

  31. Sun-Induced Skin Damage

  32. Acne

  33. Fungal Skin Infections

  34. Warts

  35. Contact Dermatitis and Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac

  36. Diaper Dermatitis

  37. Skin Hyperpigmentation

  38. Foot Problems

  39. Hair Loss ; Unwanted Hair

SECTION Ⅸ Nutritional Issues

  40. Dietary Inadequacy

  41. Herbal Supplements

SECTION Ⅹ Miscellaneous Self-Care Topics and Issues

  42. Fever

  43. Nicotine Addiction

  44. Diabetes Mellitus

  45. Home Test Kits

  46. Precautions In Self-Care

  47. Homeopathy


  Appendix 1. FDA-Labeled Lower Age Limits for Use of Nonprescription Products

  Appendix 2. FDA-Labeled Time Limits for Use of Nonprescription Products

  Appendix 3. FDA-Labeled Contraindications for Use of Nonprescription Products

  Appendix 4. FDA-Labeled Drug Interactions and Concurrent Use Precautions with Nonprescription Products

  Appendix 5. Miscellaneous FDA-Labeled Precautions with Use of Nonprescription Products

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