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Drug Delivery
소비자가격 75,000원 0%할인
판매가격 75,000원 750점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Ashim K. Mitra, Deep Kwatra, Aswani Dutt Vadlapudi
발행일 2014-08
판형 20.2 x 25.4 x 2.4 (cm)
페이지 수 550
ISBN 9781284025682
제품코드 9781284025682
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제


Drug Delivery is the latest and most up-to-date text on drug delivery and offers an excellent working foundation for students and clinicians in health professions and graduate students including nursing, pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry, as well as researchers and scientists. Presenting complex content in an organized and concise format, this accessible text provides a detailed overview of drug delivery systems, routes of drug administration and development of various formulations. This text provides a comprehensive review of the cutting edge research being carried out in this field and a focus on the worldwide research on drug delivery and targeting at the molecular, cellular, and organ levels.


CNS delivery

Gene delivery

Ocular delivery

World-wide research on drug delivery

Recent advances in drug delivery

Each new print textbook includes an access code for the online Companion Website. Some eBooks and electronic versions do not include access to the Companion Website. Access to the Companion Website may also be purchased separately under the RESOURCES tab, FOR STUDENTS.

Each new print copy includes access to the Navigate Companion Website including: Chapter Quizzes, Interactive Glossary, Crossword Puzzles , Interactive Flashcards, and Matching Exercises

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